
Seeking help can be terrifying, and for many this is magnified if past experiences made it unsafe to do so. I would like to honour your willingness to try, and hope that as our relationship evolves, something new is offered. I aim to create a space that is inviting, supportive, and thoughtful!

I provide virtual psychotherapy to individuals (18+) residing in Ontario; sessions will be offered via JaneApp, which is a secure video platform, or by phone. Some find it helpful to meet on a weekly or biweekly basis, particularly in the beginning; however, I recognize that this may not be feasible for you, so there is no pressure to adhere to this schedule.

Areas of focus include:

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • trauma

  • body image & disordered eating

Therapeutic Modalities

I draw from modalities that focus on emotions, cognitions, bodily sensations, attachment, neuroscience, and much more! This enhances my ability to attend to your unique needs and reduces the potential harm that can occur alongside therapy that is not individualized. Ultimately, I will take what I know (formal and informal knowledge) and apply it in a way that works best for you. Click on the + button to find brief descriptions of these modalities along with links that allow for further exploration:

  • Is a healing-oriented treatment model that capitalizes on neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to change in structure and function in response to lived experience).

    It works by carefully tracking the client moment-to-moment to facilitate transformation.

  • Takes a non-pathologizing approach and holds that we each have an internal world that is made up of a “Self” and “Parts.”

    IFS seeks to help the client access their Self and befriend their Parts.

  • Problems are connected to distorted beliefs and how situations are perceived.

    Emphasis is placed on problem-solving, restructuring thoughts, and initiating behavioural change.

  • Uses the wisdom of the body (movement, posture, and the nervous system) to build capacity and promote healing.

    Through carefully attending to the mind and body, new information emerges, which paves the way for more durable change.

The Process:

  • Step 1:

    Send me an email or complete the message intake form. You can also begin with Step 2.

  • Step 2:

    Book a free 20-minute phone consultation with me. We’ll get to know each other!

  • Step 3:

    Book your first session with me, this will be the initial assessment.

Things To Know:

  • Fees/Confidentialty:

    New client consultation: free

    Individual psychotherapy: $160/50-minute session

    *confidentiality will be discussed during the initial assessment.

  • Payment:

    Full payment is required the day your session is held.

    Send your e-transfer to:

    Upon receiving payment, a receipt will be issued that can be submitted to your insurance provider.

  • Insurance

    Most extended health care insurance plans cover sessions with a Registered Social Worker (RSW).

    I encourage you to review your plan to determine the annual allotted amount. We can use this information to facilitate session planning!

  • Cancellation Policy

    A minimum of 24 hours notice is required if you are unable to attend your appointment.

    Missed or cancelled appointments without sufficient notice will be billed at 50% of the session fee.

    Exceptions will be made in emergency situations and on a case by case basis.